Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm kind of a big deal.

That's right, people.... this is the 30th blog so far. Not too shabby considering it seems like just yesterday when I was pondering whether this blog would make it after its first post or fizzle out like the majority. It would appear that not only have I got something to say-- but that I can say it over and over again, 30 times. Hooray me.

Since I love lists so much (those numbered paragraphs spelling out in no particular sequence my random epiphanies throughout the day) I decided to go ahead and give this occurrence a name. Therefore, I hereby christen all lists henceforth "Hit Lists". No doubt the FBI will be reading my blog more often now, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. Who knows, maybe the feds will read this and see some way to capitalize on my ability to rant.

On we go.

1. I saw "I Am Legend" today with Sister and Hendog. It was actually really good. I didn't expect much when it came to the plot, but my expectations were a little high with Will Smith as the lead. With no other A-listers co-starring (it is a "last man on earth" story) he is basically carrying the huge weight of smoothing over the movie's many plot errors. Having said that, he performed exceptionally well-- exceptionally human. That's all I ask for.

2. I had to kick the same guy out of three separate bars tonight. I heard shit from some people about their friend and how cool he is-- but how they don't want him around. Too fucking bad. I'm not going to kick your friend out just because he annoys you. Do the world a favor and be honest for once. Even worse is when people see I have some pull with the bar staff, and think I want to have a conversation about how they elbowed someone in the sternum the other day. Nice move, dude. Tell me again why I give a shit? I totally feel for people I previously considered assholes now. I SO fucking relate now.

3. DC was walking up the street just as I was heading to BBR. Don't ask me how, but she suckered me into going to Finn's, which I advised against, and of course, they go in, then leave two minutes later. Instead, they head to George's, where DC is accosted by her stalker. So I had the personal treasure and joy of watching her bitch a guy out for following her around everywhere. No wonder she is so damn sketchy. A guy can't freakin smell DC's fart without him getting jealous. This another reason why I am anti-pacifist at times. Some people have the let-it-go, it's-all-good, it's-cool mentality... well what happens when you wind up with a stalker? no go, no good, not cool.

Anyway, the DC moratorium continues until she at least gives me a damn clue.

1 comment:

MrRyanO said...

I'd love to see Legend...and I'd enjoy kicking someone out of a bar sometime. Maybe if I win the lottery...

Cool blog!