Sunday, December 9, 2007


So, a number of things have kinda hit the fan. My family has basically decided we're all a bunch of winners. Sister's battery is dead, and a new one is like 60 bucks. She broke up with her boyfriend, which gives me mixed feelings. A week after she gives him the key to our apartment, he gets the axe. I liked this guy, too. He was really the only one who treated her like a lady and didn't get freaky jealous when she hung out with her friends (basically other guys that are like brothers to her). He was protective, but not to a fault. This guy had a lot of integrity and honor, but like so many people I know, his life was basically stuck in "N".

Speaking of "N", that's kind of where I'm at right now. I'm going through the motions with the unemployment stuff, and scheduling interviews with prospective jobs. I met a guy last night who knows the owner of a graphics company. He doesn't know if there's a job opening or not, but I'm willing to check it out. The only hitch is that it's located in Bentonville. Really, I hate the idea of going on the bypass for work every day. I imagine that one day, some soccer mom is going to cut me off causing me to spin out and eat shit in the median grass. Here's an FU in advance, lady.

I caught myself acting crazy last night. DC made a beeline home after the bar closed, leaving me with a very lame hug goodnight. Plus, when she answered the phone earlier, she said, "Hey friend!" Anyway, earlier in the day, I bought her this two dollar balloon flower from a guy who was making balloon animals for kids at the mall. It was a yellow flower, and I thought she'd get a kick out of it because she spent 10 minutes telling me how much she loves yellow roses. I gave her shit for picking out a flower color that symbolizes friendship, twhich she denied having anything to do with her affinity for that particular color. But here and there, she kept hinting at me to not act crazy and "relax!"

So as calmly as I could, I chased her down and caught up with her. She turned around, and said, "I'm on the phone!" Wow. Here, I just wanted to give you this.


Once she realized what it was, she started laughing and beating me with it. Good sign? I don't know. I hope she can tell the difference between me just being assertive and a psycho stalker. Just to be on the safe side, I'm not going to call or text her today and let her miss me a little. Or tomorrow, maybe. Knowing her, it may take more than one day. I'll let her go ahead and call me. After all, how shitty would it be to give her that flower (even a balloon one) and not even get a call in the next 48 hours? Okay, that's pretty anal, but really. Three whole days? C'mon, gimme something!

So right now I'm waiting on my sister to get home with my laundry, then I'm gonna hang out with KBT. He's wanting to go shopping, but I think there may be food involved later. We all know how great food can be, huh? Eh? Good stuff.

Oh yea--- I finally saw The Golden Compass a couple days ago. Man, it was awesome. I'm not usually a fan of movies with a child actor(s) as the main character(s) (Narnia made me want to vomit). But this one was pretty damn good. Sam Elliot even has a cameo, and guess who he plays? WTFLOLOMG... himself. It's GREAT! Hah... anyway.

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