Monday, December 3, 2007

Some of my favorite things in life include


1. Reconnecting with my inner skater. Thanks to Henry and the donation of his old board, I was able to get acquainted with the acrylic wheel against cold, hard, scratchy, scar-producing pavement. At 3:10 AM. This is the best time, especially since I was hoping that my psycho neighbor downstairs would come out just as I was burning the curb next to her empty mailbox (no gov'ment cheese coming today BEE-YEATCH.)

2. Going to Mickey Finn's. I love that bar. Especially when I know so many people who will say "Oh, I won't go there. It's impossible to get a drink (yet I seem to get peppered every time I go).

3. Danielle. You damn vixen. I finally got the best of you tonight. Jesus, I had no idea your lips were so soft. Maybe now you believe that I'm truly smitten.

4. The onset of winter. JeeeeeeeZUSS, it was bitterly cold tonight. What a wonderful feeling. That made the experience of #3 so much better (cold air; warm lips) for me and (I think) everyone involved. Not to mention the fact that it might actually snow this year (thanks Al Gore, for predicting Global Warming, which could actually result in an early Nuclear Winter.)

5. Parenthesis. Aren't they great? (yes.)

5.5. Not having to work tomorrow. Here's a big ole FUCK WORK. Raise your glass if you have one. If not, raise your pen, because I know you're at work if you're reading this without a drink handy. Cough* M.... *Cough

6. Nicknames. Apparently, my new nickname is Conan. Ain't that the shit?