Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I'm putting myself on a mandatory no-text, no-call order for the next 24 hours. If anyone is expecting to hear from me tomorrow, it's not going to happen. Sadly, relatively few people will be affected by this moratorium of communication, but I think it will offer me a healthy dose of truth--- in knowing just how many people will call ME after they see that I haven't called them.

One of those people are DC. This girl had me wound around her little finger one night-- after island hopping under canopies while it was raining on the way to her house, kissing under each one, then finally saying goodnight. Then yesterday--- nothing. And today, nothing. Rejected? Of course, I feel rejected. But she's fucking crazy. How should I know if she's planning it all out like this or if she just changed her mind? I just know texting her or calling her tomorrow won't be a good idea. And for that to be an effective (not affective) plan, I have to impose a no-call, no-text order on everyone.

Also, I like how my stats spiked significantly after I posted the map. Hence the name of this blog. Yea... y'all can eat it. I know you're watching and surprisingly for you, I couldn't care less.

Say, stick around a while and keep reading. You might actually find out a few things about normal people and how they live. If all else fails, you can find out how this really weird motherfucker lives his life. I guarantee you, it's freakin' crazy.

Oh-- and for the record..... JUST to freak you guys out... (talking about my friends in Las Vegas) I have only this to say:

Christy, if you ever need tips on sights to see in the Ozarks, you should definitely buy a Tim Ernst book. Look him up on Amazon. He's got a kickass guide on Arkansas waterfalls. Seriously.

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