Thursday, December 13, 2007


Take a close look at the tags I've given this blog-- in fact, if you want to know what any blog of mine is going to cover, look at the tags-- if there's no subject that interests you, then I've just saved you at least 5 minutes of time. And that's just because I'm such an nice guy.

I have four goals.

1. This is one I hope to achieve in the next 30 minutes. In an effort to make my blogs more palatable, I'm going to spend only 20 minutes actually writing. Hopefully, with practice, I'll be able to write a well-rounded blog in less than ten. We'll see what happens.

2. Continue searching for employment. I had an interview today with Tony C, the owner of several low-grade bars in the area... mostly just "clubs" for people who don't like to wear collared shirts. He's starting me out as a daytime bartender at one of his pool halls. Should be interesting. My goal is to do whatever I can to get, keep, and make the best of this job.

3. Lay off of the DC chase for a few days. I saw her at George's tonight, only because Peach was at the "other" bar, and invited me to come. I was hoping to only accidentally run into her tonight, but this ended up being more planned than I intended. Regardless, she showed more than the usual amount of affection in front of her friends... good sign always. Anyway, the goal is to -- now that she's expressed a "I actually do give a shit" attitude toward me-- follow up by completely ignoring her. Most guys understand this. Girls probably think I'm a creep if I do this, but think back to the guy that called you 8 times after you made out with him a week before. Did you like that sort of thing? I didn't think so.

--- as a side, I give DC a lot of leeway because of her relationship baggage with a guy that seems to follow her around like a wounded puppy. Seriously, this guy is pathetic. She calls him a stalker, but really he just harmlessly shows up and makes her feel guilty about enjoying another man's company. So there's that. --

4. Successfully get my Christmas stocking and whatever else might belong to me from the E-house. Ever since the freak breakup with my ex (once ex-fiancee, then just ex) things have not been smooth between us. For one, she has yet to show up in public with the guy she's dating. Because, A. I'd choke him with his own arm, and B. She knows I'd make a scene... and she knows I'd make a scene ONLY because I'm one of the few people in this town that can get away with it. So-- in short, I need my shit back, bitch. So I hope that goes bloodlessly.

Now I'm going to enjoy some recently-cooked frozen pizza and see if there are any new pictures of NFL cheerleaders on the sports illustrated website. Cheers!

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