Sunday, January 6, 2008

Something's Off

Big changes indeed. Jeez, what a year 2007 was. I seemed to have turned my foot into swiss cheese after shooting it so many times. What do they say? The World Is My Oyster? I'm not too sure if that's accurate, because I can't seem to get the damn shells to open.

I'm not huge on being sentimental, but I enjoy the occasional trip down memory lane. Here are some of the biggest memories I have of 2007.

1. In February, I got a job at the newspaper-- a real one-- and kept it for just over 9 months. Even though the ending was a fucking fiasco, there are only two things I'll miss about that job. The friends I made, and the money. Yes, in that order.

2. March 2007 was the first year I ever contemplated suicide. I had been so royally screwed over by my ex and made a fool of that I really just wanted to end my life. It was shameful, embarrassing, maddening, all of the above. But soon after, I got over it. The weak bonds I had with friends either became very strong or were shattered. I suppose that's how it goes.

3. Over the course of 2007, I moved (and I'm about to move again) four times. I went from living alone, to living with a coworker, to living with my sister-- which has created a bond between us that I don't think existed before other than being simply related.

4. I got really really out of shape in 2007. All the drinking, late night meals, and sleeping late created an environment that allowed my body to shape-shift from the lean, fit guy I started out as, into a husky guy with a bit of a beer belly. Not that I'm overly concerned about my looks. I still look damn sexy. Just kidding. Anyway, I definitely see that changing in the first parts of 2008.

5. I realized (toward the end) that I wanted to finish school. How I'm going to get back in, and by what means I'll use to pay for it is to be determined, but I'll figure it out.

Anyway, enough sentimentality. Sis and I found a cool house to live in and we plan to rock it out, old-school. I've got to get over the whole not having dates over at my place thing. I haven't had a girl come to my place since 2006. Yikes. Mainly, it's because I always felt weird about having girls over when I live with my sister. Other girls get a vibe that tends to igg them out a little when they know the dude's sister is in the other room. Especially if there's shagging goin on. Yea baby! Anyway, when we move into the house, I'm going to be PROUD of living there-- not avoiding it like a cell phone bill. I also want to get my car fixed, and be proud of it too. God knows I walk enough.

So that should be all for now. Next time, I'll set you guys up with a nice little report on how to have fun at a bar, el-cheapo-style.

I'll also tell you what's going on with DC and JR. In a nutshell, JR and I decided to just be friends, while DC and I spent some time together last night. That was really fun-- except tonight her roommates came back, and they're her "posse". She's a totally different animal around those two.

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