Friday, January 18, 2008

Lived A Little: A Rewind

30 mins ago: Pulled into my driveway, went inside my new home, went to my room and opened my laptop.
45 mins ago: Took a final shot with Curly and Moe.
1 hr ago: Was barreling down very curvy roads that eventually led home at speeds exceeding 60mph. Moe was driving. I think I said his driving was akin to taking a Formula One Taxi.
3 hrs ago: Hung out at Yellow Rock Trail's overlook 45 minutes away from my hometown, debating with Curly and Moe on whether the bright star coming up over the horizon was Mars or Venus (it was Venus). We debated other things, but mostly drank and littered.
5 hrs ago: Barreled toward Devil's Den, trying my best to keep a 6-pack of shitty tasting Michelob intact at speeds exceeding 60 mph. (I was not driving)
7 hours ago: Played pool with a guy who owns an excavation company, and beat him 4 out of 5 times. He offered me a job.
7.25 hours ago: Guy who offered me a job had a friend whose girlfriend really really didn't like me. I called her out on her bitchiness and said guy (and his friend) sided with me. She was smokin' hot, though. I really just wanted to see her chest. She wanted to rip my balls off.
10 hours ago: Started playing pool, ordered my first drink of the evening, said hello to my friends at the bar.
12 hours ago: Had a small dinner at Mom's. Very thankful that it was small, otherwise, I might have regurgitated it 7 hours later.
14 hours ago: Bought some socks and vanity hooks for the pots and pans in the kitchen at Wal-Mart.
17 hours ago: Went to lunch with mom and sis. Had the chicken sandwich. (Weighed myself 2 hours later.... I'm still 180.)
18 hours ago: Woke up.

In less than four hours, I'll be waking up again. When I do, I won't be worried about DC. I won't let the job slump prevent my success. When I wake up, I'll be a brand new man, no matter how sore I am of all the thumps life has given me.

I'll forget everything that held me back when I wake up today.

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