Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yea, no... really. That didn't suck.

If I wasn't lucky enough to get a call from Be last night, I might have been spending the entire day wondering just what the hell went wrong during my date with DC. Let's recap a little.

Be is a girl I hung out with last weekend, who lives about 45 minutes away and comes into town every weekend. She's great, but I still had my heart set on DC after three very fun evenings of us hanging out. I wasn't about to give her the talk, though, especially since she's full of potential and loves to have fun. She possesses one of the main qualities I look for in a woman, which is energy. For me, I don't really care much about how a woman looks (I have hundreds of ideas of what 'attractive' is, physically) but more how she carries herself, her confidence, and her ability to communicate. DC isn't exactly a stellar communicator, but the challenge of decoding her constantly changing messages, subtle or overt, (but always creative) seems to make up for that.

Anyway, there was a lot riding on today, and I didn't exactly expect it to produce anything new-- all I wanted to know about DC was if she could make plans and follow through. She did exactly that, and nothing else. I don't think I've had a more boring date in my life. I might as well have met a mannequin for coffee. And, of course, about two hours later, she suddenly realized there were more pressing issues to take care of at home. The walk back to my car was especially awkward, since she only lived about a block from the parking lot. So I'm walking to my car, kind of alongside her, and she says, "Well, my house is over there."
"Yea, I know."
"So, I'll see you later," she says, and then gives me this really cheesy pat on the shoulder. What, are you fuckin' kiddin' me? You might as well just run to your house and hope that I won't catch you.
"Yea...," I said, "I'm parked right over there. I know where your house is."
"Yea. Okay. Uh, have a good one."
"Right." I said, and decided to just go ahead and cut through the landscaping of the parking lot entrance. Any more of that banal hinting and I might have to just scream.

As a joke, I sent her a text message about an hour later, reading: "Next time, we'll do something a little more low-key."

I wonder if she caught the sarcasm...

Then, to throw my dating life into even more of a hopeless spiral, JP sent me a message on facebook asking if I still talk to my Ex. JP isn't exactly a central figure in my life, especially since it was her brother that my Ex left me for. I do not have warm fuzzy feelings about my Ex. I do not have very warm feelings about my Ex's friends since they all knew that my Ex was two-timing me. In fact, it was my Ex's friends that set her up with JP's brother. So... no warmth there.

Anyway, JP proceeded to tell me all about how her brother had broken up with Ex and now Ex was basically sucking the life out of her... apparently she's not doing so well and JP thought it would make her feel better if I gave her a call.

I don't even know where to begin. First of all, I've pretty much been in love with my Ex ever since the day I met her, and that never changed throughout all the treachery and backstabbing. Talk about a glutton for punishment... I know. I know. Anyway, I can't fathom what possessed JP to think that my Ex and I EVER continued communication. The bitch dumped me for your brother. Wouldn't you KNOW? Jesus.

Even so, I'm not a total douchebag. I know how to be the bigger man, how to move on, and that's just what I did. It took me quite a while to figure out how to be myself again after Ex finished swinging the axe, but I managed. And now JP wants me to call up Ex to see how she's doing? That the fuck shit is that?

Who is to say that my Ex won't pull the exact same shit again? Are my Ex's friends so clueless as to think that I wasn't completely crushed and my dignity wasn't stripped away over the course of three shit-all unholy months. Least of all JP?

So... I dunno. I said something roughly to that effect in my reply to JP on Facebook, and I'm kind of awaiting the response. My main question that I want answered is this:

"She made it pretty clear that she wanted nothing to do with me last year. What makes you think she'd ever want to hear from me again?"

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'd give the Ex a year before indicating the hint of a chance. If she's still interested in a year, maybe she just made a really stupid mistake with JP's brother.

And if you're still interested in a year, there's either something true there, or you are, in fact, a glutton.