Wednesday, April 16, 2008


One thing I've always tried to be as a person is consistent. I try not to follow every tiny whim that comes into my head, especially when it comes to meeting women. I have a couple of rules, some of which I've mentioned before. Like the rule about not seeing a woman two days in a row if I've just started to date them. This goes tenfold if I've slept with them. I don't mind calling and saying hello and that I've had a good time (if I did).

The problem is, if a woman wants to spend the night with me two nights in a row, I see that as a clear sign of a rabid nester. Nothing scares the shit out of me faster than clinginess. I don't care how beautiful they are. When my freedoms are threatened in any way, I bail. Another rule is regarding phone numbers. The first rule is to protect myself from the crazy ones. The second rule, which is that I have to randomly run into a woman at least three times before calling them. This ensures that they know exactly who I am, and that I don't have to stumble through the embarrassing fiasco of explaining who the hell I am.

So what happens when I do something incredibly stupid, such as ask for a girl's number while her accomplice is standing right behind her-- and manage to get the number... what happens when I refrain from calling her after apologizing to her accomplice, who is actually a friend of mine... what happens when she calls me?

I can tell this is gonna be a rough one.

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