Monday, April 21, 2008

Butt scratching and shit kickin.

I only have fifteen minutes or so to write, so forgive me if this is a little brief. Last night at work, I spotted DC just as she was scanning the room. For some reason, after that "date" we went on, I haven't heard from her since. Judging from the way she aborted the meeting after only an hour, based on questionable 'oh yea, I forgot I have to >insert lame excuse here<.'

I mean, any idiot can tell that was pure bs. But something happened and she freaked out. I'm not sure what it was, because based on her pattern of touch and run, I hadn't really done anything that time to warrant her typical fleeing method. Basically, she and I will get close, we'll get a little physical, and then... for some reason, she just freaks out and falls off the planet for a while. Of course, two or three weeks later, I always get that text. "Meet me at busters?" Now, adhering to the glutton theory, which is essentially that I cannot say no to her, even though the result is more predictable than Earth's gravity, I am almost always already drinking when I get this text and my thought process always goes something like, "Hmm... sit here and play pool with a bunch of dudes... or go hang out with a hot chick?" I inevitably choose door number two.

Anyway, that wasn't the only thing about last night. I've sort of come to a realization about some women. It is the fact that there are basically two types of women that I find myself drawn to. Type one is the Pixie. She is aloof and carefree. Often times loving and affectionate, but always a challenge. Then, type two are the Waitresses. Not literally waitresses, but essentially women who touch a lot and flirt indiscriminately. Don't get me wrong, I love women who flirt, so long as they are somewhat classy. As in.. the exact opposite of the chick I played pool with last night. Some guys might disagree, but I don't constitute the grabbing of my crotch from behind and under as a subtle pass. In fact, it's downright whorish. That was one of the things I liked about DC-- her ability to be subtle.

But knowing now that I actually might have "types" (which is something I vehemently denied in the past) it's easier to navigate through the garbage that I seem to be fed by women who are facetious about my emotions.

1 comment:

M. said...

I think everyone has a type. It's just that sometimes we dissapoint ourselves when we realize what our type is. It's a summation of what you expect from yourself and the best you think you can do.

It's not always a bad thing, though. It can be very liberating once you realize what kind of person works best for you.