Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Long Weekend

Thursday night was the first time in a long while that I gave in to the pseudo-immoral drunken hookup. One of my few points of pride is that I do not have sex with a woman unless I am seriously involved with her. But Thursday, I tossed aside my usual prude-ness and just let myself go to an entire night of crazy ass sex. From what she said, it was pretty crazy for her too! Got the scratches all over my back to prove it.

So with all the stress behind Ex's latent resurrection through JP, the victory/failure of my date with DC, and the chaotic move-out which involved me wanting to wholly validate my sister's accusations of me being a violent and angry person.... I really really just needed to get laid. Typically, after a few months, I kinda get "pent-up" and I don't expect the sex to be very good on my part, more or less because I have to strain to hold myself back. But that was not the case. Be, the girl I went home with, was very lusty and didn't waste any time trying to "tantalize me" by licking my stomach or tickling my ribs.

Some guys might like that stuff but I don't. Of course, this is just in a hookup scenario. Girls that I have seriously dated do know my erogenous zones and stimulate them appropriately... girls that don't just... well, it's kinda hard not to laugh when a woman is giving me sultry eyes while fingering my belly button. Get the hell outta there! I don't want a french tickle, lady, I want to fuuuuuuck. Of course, I know there's this age-old truism that men just don't like foreplay and women do. My thoughts are that if a man has to work THAT hard to get you wet and warmy, then you (the woman) are just forcing it, and that you are not genuinely attracted to them.

That's why it's better to wait until you are seriously dating a person to have sex with them. Let it build up! Let the passion for this person start overflowing, til you're about to explode. I don't want to have sex with a woman unless she can turn me on just by the tone of her voice. It should be the same for her, too.

Unfortunately, the reason these hookups are such a bad idea is because of what happens later. Friday night, Be decided to surprise me by coming to Finn's and hang out. I was fine with that, but I really planned to hang out with my friends that night and I do have a very strict rule of NOT hanging out with a girl that I've just begun seeing two nights in a row. Especially... well, very much especially if I wind up having sex with her the previous night.

Why this silly rule? Familiarity breeds expectations. Early in a relationship, two people should have no expectations of each other. The only purpose starting out is to get to know one another. So when you slip up and an evening goes too far, too fast... the only thing to do is take a little breather. Anyway, Be was well behaved for the most part. Except when she tried to make out with me in front of all my friends, with no regard for tact at all. Then there was the constant butt-slapping and all-too-audible references to the previous evening. Okay! I get it. You had a good time last night. Yelling, "I give it a ten!" is not cool. It embarrasses me and makes you look like a slut. A drunk one, even.

So when Be came up to me and asked if I was going home with her again, I politely said no. She simply could not believe it. So what does a drunk woman who's just been told 'no' do? You guessed it! She made a big fat hairy hissy scene. Good times. Yea. Luckily, a good friend of mine let me crash at her house so that I didn't have to drive all the way back home (40 minutes away).

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