Friday, March 14, 2008

Pre-St. Patty's Day M-ahem. AHEM!

Last week, I purchased a very cool looking Schwinn for only $10 dollars, thinking that I had just made an initial investment into my greener lifestyle-- one that would garnish returns beyond imagination. My dad happened to stop by and check it out, but much to my disappointment, he told me it wasn't gonna work.

"Pretty cool bike, huh Dad?"
"Yea... uh. Yea, it's cool. It's a girls bike."
"What? No. Nah."
"No, yea-- it's a lady bike, son."
"Oh. Well..." (under breath: gdmnit)

Mens Bikes are identified by the "skirt bar" ironically enough. A woman's bike swoops down.
And so I gave both bikes I had acquired away, thinking that I can't be seen with a girly bike. It's just wrong. I can't shame my family that way.

So off they go, and I'm off to the bike store. I asked the bike pro about it and he kinda chuckled...
"Yea... that doesn't really matter anymore. Nobody cares. A bike is a bike."



care said...

um, did you purchase a bike to be "cool?" nope, to be green. and if cfls were for girls, wouldn't you use them anyway? if it was a hot pink girl's bike, I'd understand. silly, silly.

and I get you on the $8 bumper sticker. I like having meals too!

M. said...

You get 10 points for trying.

I've heard that fancy racing/road bikes aren't made with the girly lower bar anymore, and they're all considered unisex. I thought that was interesting. My crappy bike is from 8th grade. I want a new one, but keep telling myself that there's nothing wrong with my current bike.