Saturday, March 8, 2008


So I've done a little research about blogging in the past week. This is largely thanks to a tremendous amount of downtime, due in part to my recent commitment to sobriety and mostly because I'm allowing myself to be a vegetable with a mouth and an asshole. Also, because I really like blogging/blogs. The bulk of my research consists of clicking that "next blog" link up there at the top and seeing where it'll land me.

I've seen a lot of good blogs and a lot of bad ones too. One thing I've realized is that good bloggers do NOT necessarily blogroll each other. I've found that if I stumble on a great blog, there's a good chance that the links on the right will lead me to incoherent babble. There's even one (which I've shamefully bookmarked) that consists entirely of short AIM conversations. There's an odd sense of pervasiveness in it, and I thought it might be interesting... except a recent conversation went exactly like this:


kerry: i wish your name was raquelle
kerry: !!!!!!

You would think that the spasm of excitement (Re: "PIAEHPIAPHIAT...etc") is limited to just one entry. But one conversation is ALL keyboard spasms. I do think it's charming how kerry replied "!!!!!!" after said spasm. Anyway, if this is your bag, then you can check it out here. Raquelle, if you have any objections, just leave me a comment and I'll take it off. But let it be said that I do actually read your stuff... I just think it's kinda crazy.

But hey! that's what blogs are for. And while I have a pathetic decent readership I figured maybe it's time I take this baby up a notch. It'll be a lot like turning the volume up from a modest "5" to a very impressive "7". Rock and roll. With that, I'm going to start introducing photos in my blog. Since I have about ten thousand to choose from in my archives, I'm just gonna pick random photos and drop them, regardless of the entry's actual content.

Anyway, today I hung out with my dad and ganked a washing machine from some guy that works for him. We drove out to a shanty and picked it up around 3, came home at 3:15... had it unloaded from the trailer at approx. 3:20... and right around 4:30, it was sitting snugly in the laundry room. Yes, that's right.. it took us a little over an hour to get the motherflippa into my utility room. I literally had to take a couple doors off the hinges for it to fit. Of course, once it's hooked up, we discovered that the nozzles are treadbare, so the hot/cold hoses aren't very secure. Twist the valve to allow cold water to run through, and you're left with a high-pressure jet of very cold water on your pants. Well, I was lucky. It sprayed my dad.

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