Monday, March 17, 2008

Good question.

The author of a much better blog asked in her latest entry: "Who would you pay $155 to see?" noting that a pending visit by the Dalai Llama is costing that amount for people to attend the event.

This got me to thinking... what would I pay any amount for anyone-- be it see them, talk to them, or whatever action I wished? So I comprised this list, starting with the highest bid of $155 and working my way down.

Bloggers, I give you: The Top Ten Hustlebucks.

1. $155 to meet Harrison Ford.
2. $120 to throw a rock at Carrot Top. He has to be standing still though.
3. $105 to be on Rush Limbaugh's show, just so I can chew him out without being interrupted.
4. $80 toward a fund to silence Ralph Nader once and for all.
5. $65 to see Robin Williams systematically shut down Dick Cheney. Face to face.
6. $40 to get close enough to brutalize Mark Summers. Or at least throw a pie at him.
7. $20 to get a written apology from Nancy Grace just for existing.
8. $14 to slap Ronald McDonald.
9. $8 to shoot a paintball at a pro-life activist weilding a grostesque posterboard of an aborted fetus.
10. $4 to wipe bacon grease on an Abercrombie and Fitch model's face.

So there they are. To achieve all these desires, I would need a total of $611. I hope my dreams come true.

1 comment:

M. said...

This post had me laughing so hard that tears were running down my face. I especially like the one about Carrot Top.