Thursday, October 25, 2007

My God.

Instead of writing some kind of predetermined narrative, I'm just going to spit a few gems out there.

One of my best friends, who offered to buy my drinks tonight, since I was utterly broke, actually walked up to me at the bar as I was talking to a fuckalicious beautiful woman and said, "Here. (handing me $7) This is your food money."

I've discovered that I can nail anyone from any distance (within reason) with a penny. I was taking requests at a dollar per to bean the person of their choice with a very well thrown coin. The only problem, though, was convincing the angry dude with the pony tail and bright green shirt (easy target) that I had nothing to do with the ensuing laughter after his pelt in the forehead with an Abe Lincoln roundy.

My sister is the coolest roommate I've ever had. Tonight, on my way home, I called her back at 2:30 AM (thinking she wouldn't answer, because she was originally calling about the electricity being shut off.... not that I would know anything about that) only to find that she had a "couple" (I.E., FIVE) people over, and that one of them was getting a tattoo. She was calling me to warn me, and to tell me not to make any sudden/loud noises when I walked in. As it happens, Sulu, whose real name is Scott (as in Scotty from Star Trek), whose last name I won't offer for his own sake, was doing a badass tattoo in my dining room.

Now, I am actually a photographer, even though I'm trying to be ambiguous about my occupation/identity. And seeing this in my living room stirred up some artistic obligation on my part. So I went into the mode. If you know who I really am, you'll look at my other blog and see the photos that ensued.

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