Saturday, October 20, 2007

Moment(s) of Truth(s)

First, I'd like to share with you a kind letter I wrote to my sister, placed atop of box full of my ruined clothing. It goes a little something like this:


Not trying to be a huge A-hole or anything, but seriously, these are all the clothes in my room that your cat(s) either pooped or peed all over. Most of them were inside the box already. Some were on the floor.

Every time I come home, I am greeted by the fresh scent of grade-A cat shit/piss.

I know I am not a scholar in the art of cleanliness, but this is at least 1/2 the clothing I planned to wear this winter.

Do with these items what you will: wash, trash, burn or construct inefficient wind kites. They are very much more yours than mine now.



I just witness what is possibly the most grotesque display of drunkenness in my life. Crater, Beandip and Tenicious D, otherwise known as TD (who is a female) were being driven home by yours truly. The entire way home, I had learned that Mitts, TD's boyfriend, had gone AWOL earlier in the evening. Keep in mind that I got off work at roughly midnight, CST. That allowed me to arrive at roughly half-past, leaving me approximately an hour and some to get soused and hang out. In that time, apparently Mitts went to fetch his dog from some random guy's a friend of our's house down the road.

Long story short, everybody (and by everybody, I mean anyone who isn't me) lost track of Matt. TD and Beandip went looking for him, found him, and was promptly shoved off with a very quaint "Fuck you, fuck everybody" from Mr. AWOL, a.k.a., Mitts.

I, being my chivalrous self, offered everyone a ride. (And by everyone, I meant anyone who isn't Mitts.)

The entire fucking way back to Mitt and TD's house (which is actually rented by Crater as well) TD is kicking and screaming in the back seat to be let out on the street, dog in tow, to go look for Mitts herself. We are pleading with her to please please just shut the fuck up. We finally arrive to Mitt's, and I promise TD that I'll go look for him myself if she'll just take the dog inside and go to sleep. In the back of my mind, I'm wondering if the dog hasn't died from the shock of seeing a 105 lb girl going apeshit in the back of a Honda Accord.

As it turns out, Mitts is inside, wondering where the fuck his girlfriend has been all this time. He comes out in nothing but boxers and proceeds to tell all of us to fuck off, except for TD, who needs to get "her whore ass in the house." We were just (I like to use italics. Get over it.) about to leave when he actually grabs her and throws her inside. Oh. Hell. No.

She's crying. She comes stomping out, I imagine, thinking there will be a quick apology underway. There isn't. Mitts shoves her again, and I inch closer. He tells her to choose between going home with us "again" (I have no idea where that came from) or coming into the house, and adds that if Beandip or myself don't leave, he's going to club us to death. He makes an about-face and goes inside, slamming the door-- leaving TD in a heap of tears on the steps. I stand, confused, appalled, but more than anything, disgusted. I'd never seen Mitts like this, but it wasn't above me to let him get away with it. So into the house I went. I pulled him out of bed and asked "Are you fucking serious?"

That leads to him edging me closer and closer to the door until we were back out on his front porch again. There, Beandip said something that made Mitts go nutshit on him. That's when I jumped in. Mitt's pit bull is thrashing the shit out of my leg and hips as I'm pulling Mitts off Beandip-- continuing to bite and claw at me until Mitts has been thrown into the house.

After that, Beandip was breaking down. TD was hyperventilating and I was keeping my eyes open for Mitts to come out with a baseball bat. I finally convinced Beandip to leave, since we were the object of Mitts' anger, and not TD-- even though he had manhandled her. I had to make an executive decision and I don't see any other way I could have done it. I asked TD outright, "Do you feel safe here?" But she wouldn't answer. I honestly think our prolonged presence would have made everything much worse.

So that's how it was. In the aftermath, I am kind of proud of myself for just walking into his house and standing up to him, then ripping him off Beandip when he did go nuts. Though I'm surprised he didn't make a jump at me. Beandip has no natural defenses, so maybe he just wanted an easy beat-up. If that's the case, I'm sad for him.

Beandip feels horrible that we left TD there, but I don't. I remember very easily her wailing in the back of my car. It is just as much her instigating the madness as it was him being mad in the first place. (And by mad, I mean lost-his-goddayum mind) I wish there was a better way to have handled the situation, but I think by us leaving, we made the best decision possible under the circumstances.

And as a epilogue, never again would I ever put my faith in Crater to make the right choice. He is a sack of shit that didn't do anything to help at any point. In fact, it was as though he tried to make everything worse. The only thing I can credit him for was not getting involved. Still, though, he didn't have to just sit there and talk shit, and then not take responsibility for it. He basically fueled the fire and then ran to high ground. Or in this case, lower ground.

When I wake up, I'm going to nurse my dog-attack wounds and hopefully get to work on time.


1 comment:

silvrsilhouette said...

A, followed by secondly.
