Saturday, November 24, 2007


Speaking of the impossible, did anyone catch that game last night? Jeez. The hogs took home the Golden Boot as they snuffed out LSU in the 3rd OT, which as many headlines are reading "crushed any BCS dreams" LSU may have had. In a way, I kinda feel bad for them. If it weren't Arkansas, then I'd feel like LSU was a good team that got beat by a bullshit team. Like when we lost to Vanderbilt at home a few years back ('04).

Everyone says the game ball goes to D-Mac, but he's got enough freakin' balls already. I'm giving it to Peyton Hillis and Matteral Richardson. Hillis consistently converted 3rd downs throughout, and Matteral recognized the OBVIOUS slant patterns they were running with 3 wide-outs. (Like, I dunno... all fucking night?)

Continuing on. I was having a conversation with a friend last night about how people tend to walk all over me. It's true, I'm too nice. But I can be a real dickhead sometimes. It happens. Anyway, here's my train of thought:


Next topic. Thanksgiving went exceptionally well. Dad gave my sister and I the spoils afterwards, so now we'll have lunchmeat for the next year few days. Awesome.

Oh, next up--- I have a few new additions to my shit-list.

1. Alex's girlfriend.
Crimes: screening my calls when I'm trying to get in touch with Alex. Following me around town and when I finally stopped, she got out to see if Alex was with me (he wasn't). Being an all-around bee-yatch.

2. Sarah, Leigh, and Amanda.... SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT HAVING ME TAKE YOUR PHOTOS. Yea, you guys say you want pics done, and then you don't call for two weeks, then I see you out somewhere and you say, "When are we going to get my photos done?" Pfffft. Bitch, they ain't your photos yet. That involves money.

3. Jordan, from the bar. Stop being such an uptight prick. Seriously, man, it's not sexy. You're a fucktard.

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